We are moving
Effective Immediately, ELM USA’s address has changed to:
1609 Barclay Blvd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
This is our main headquarters and address for everything, including: Payable, Service Dept, Mail, etc. Our Telephone & Fax remains the same.
PLEASE NOTE: During our physical move on January 11TH, 12TH & 13TH, there may be interruptions in:
- Telephones, faxes and e-mail
- Order processing
- Shipping
- Billing
- Technical Support & Customer Service
ALSO, DURING THE WEEK OF January 15th, Our Service Department will be intermittently closed. This includes repairs and telephone/e-mail support.
ELM USA is moving to a larger, state of the art facility to help better serve and support you and your ELM ECO Disc Repair System.
Thanks to all of you for making 2016 a great year, and we look forward to serving you in 2017!
The entire ELM USA Team.